2. november: ESRA Webinar

Luca Podofillini presents: «Humans and Risk, Reliability, Resilience Models». A 45 minutes presentation followed by a questions and answers session. Wednesday November 2 at 3:00-4:00 PM (GMT+1)

The incorporation of human performance in risk analyses is fundamental to obtain a comprehensive picture of the risk, for many industrial domains. The results of these analyses have informed important improvements in the design and operation stages.

After a brief overview of the state-of-the-art, in this webinar Luca will present his view on the new opportunities that now present themselves to the field: increase in the data available to inform the models, unprecedented computational power to simulate human responses to accidents, new areas of application. Please connect to the webinar and think of how humans are involved in the systems and applications you are interested in: let’s take this chance to discuss new applications!

About the speaker
Luca Podofillini is a senior scientist in the Risk and Human Reliability Group of the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland). He has a nuclear engineering degree and a PhD in nuclear engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan (2004). His activities include human reliability analysis (HRA) research and regulatory support tasks for the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate. His research addresses the development of quantitative models of human performance in industrial systems, with focus on errors in decision-making, dynamic safety assessment, and collection of data in simulated emergencies.

He is a co-author of about 30 papers in international scientific journals. He is chair of the ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association) Technical Committee for Human Factors and Human Reliability and a member of the board of the HRA Society. He has been the chair of the Technical Program Committee of the European Safety and Reliability (ESREL) 2015 international conference. Since 2016, he is associate editor of the Journal of Risk and Reliability

How to join
Please join the free meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://meet.lync.com/proactimasolutions/atl/N28E5TJV

Please join us on November 29  2017, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM GMT+2.

If you have not used Skype for Business before, please note the following best practices:

  1. Join the call about 15 minutes early to make sure that you will not experience any connection issues
  2. In a webinar, always mute your microphone unless you are speaking